Monday, January 10, 2011

January Meeting

Thank you Reiko for holding the meeting at your house. The girls this month:
(1) Learned the Hula. Reiko and her older daughter taught us to listen to the rhythm, move our hands like the waves and rotate our hips! What a fun time. Eileen passed out leis and was a great helper!
(2) Made smooties focusing on healthy calcium rich ingredients. We used milk, yogurt and spinich. I know the "Green Smootie" wasn't the favorite but it wasn't bad! I will include the recipies on the side bar. A special thanks to all the moms that brought their blenders. :-)
(3) Had their Cookie Meeting! Moms and girls learned about cookie sales, dates, and we got to taste test a couple of the cookies. Remember, our cookie kick-off will be on January 14th and cookie sales begin January 15th. The girls goals include selling approx. 2700 boxes to fund a troop/family BBQ and carnival, donating to the animal shelter and shipping cookies to the military for our Gift of Caring. Our 3% increase over last year would be to sell 2163 boxes. I know we can do it!! If we do we'll make "Super Troop" and other incentives.

Daisy's worked on "Friendly and Helpful".
Brownies worked on "Dancercize", "Eat Right" and "Healthy Habits".
Juniors worked on "Dance" and "Lets Get Cooking".

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